Advantage of this app is, It will give clear rich home screen for your app icons so that you will be able to see home screen clearly!..We have chosen very sharp textures and wallpapers for you.
Want rich look for your phone? if YES then you are at right place..
--We have included different texture wallpapers in this app which will give totally rich look to your phone.
- Set wallpapers in just 2 easy steps.
- Save wallpapers as well as Share them via FB, WhatsApp, Instagram, BBM, Twitter and many more.
- Attractive and fluent UI.
- For future development of this app we have included some ads. So please co-operate.
- No internet is required.
We have tested this app on latest devices like Galxy Note 3, HTC one m8, Google Nexus 5, Xperia Z etc.
For any query or suggestion contact us at: <a href=""></a> "We listen to you!"</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">利用这个应用程序的是,它会给清晰丰富的主屏幕为您的应用程序的图标,这样你就可以看到主屏幕清楚!我们选择了非常尖锐的纹理和壁纸为您服务。
- 我们已列出不同质地的壁纸在这个程序中,这将给完全丰富的外观到您的手机。
- 特点:::
- 在短短的2个简单的步骤设置壁纸。
- 除墙纸以及通过FB,WhatsApp的,Instagram的,BBM,Twitter和更多的分享他们。
- 有吸引力和流畅的用户界面。
- 对于这个应用程序的未来发展,我们已经包含了一些广告。所以,请合作。
- 没有互联网是必需的。
我们已经像Galxy注3,HTC的1个M8,谷歌Nexus 5,的XperiaŽ等最新设备测试这个应用程序
如有任何查询或建议,请联系我们:<a href=""></a>“我们听你的!”</div> <div class="show-more-end">